Building a Pipeline of Principled Leaders and Practical Solutions

Our mission is to expand the leadership and problem solving capacity of America by offering colleges, high schools and citizens proven tools for direct participation in government problem solving and citizen leadership.

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Forum: Re-Igniting America’s Culture of Service

On October 26, a group of thought leaders and democracy supporters gathered in Newark at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center for a forum and conversation on “Re-igniting America’s Culture of Service.” A compelling panel presentation and discussion including the Citizen Campaign’s new co-chairs Pamela Scott Johnson, Spelman College provost and Super Bowl Champion, Bart […]


A New Guest on Power Up Podcast

Streaming Links Below “When you ask ‘how do you stay disciplined in not being toxic’, it’s the moment you see what you used to be and you had to destroy that in yourself – now you know how to be empathetic towards others.” Darren “Freedom” Green on Power Up Podcast – Darren: How to Not […]

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Power Up Podcast: NOW LIVE!

Streaming links found below “If you wanna win, here’s the strategy. You have to communicate with other people. You can’t do anything alone. You have to work together” Bradley Gonmiah on Power Up Podcast – Bradley: (Un)Selfless Service METUCHEN, N.J., Jul. 12, 2024 — The Citizens Campaign launched its Power Up Podcast this past Wednesday! […]

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